Website Manager

South Euclid Youth Softball Baseball Association

T- Ball

League Director: Shannon Suhodolsky [email protected]


Co-Ed T-Ball for ages 4-6 (must be 4 by April 1st. 2025).

This league is designed to be fun and instructional for new players.  All teams are managed by parents and volunteers.  There are no umpires and no end-of-season playoffs.  T-Ball needs parents to help with instructing the players and helping communicate with the families.

Games are played at Adrian Elementary School. There is parking in the school parking lot and on the adjacent streets.  
There are four youth fields behind the school.
1071 Homestead Rd, South Euclid, OH 44121

SEYSBA provides jerseys and ball caps for all t-ball players.  Cleats are optional at this age.  Players should have white baseball pants and a glove (not a toy glove, a real glove).  Do not feel you have to purchase new materials. Due to player growth and cost, used models are quite normal. SEYSBA provides game equipment such as batting tees, helmets, bases and appropriate baseballs.  

Games start at 6:15pm on Tuesday and Thursday.  Players should be at the fields no later than 6:00pm..   Teams practice 1-2 times a week in May until the season begins, and then at the discretion of the team manager.  

The season begins the day after Memorial Day (TUE 5/27) and goes up to the Independence Day week (TUE 7/1).  We may attempt to play one-two Saturdays each year so those that can't attend on weeknights can watch the children play.  Teams play 8-10 games, as make-ups are up to the discretion of the managers for this age grouping.  Schedules are completed once we have all managers (early May) but the general plan is relaiable.  This age does not travel and play with other cities.

Each year, SEYSBA participates in the South Euclid Memorial Day Parade.  Teams walk in their jerseys with their teammates and team banner.  The parade for 2025 is Monday, May 26th.  More info will follow once teams are put together, but we traditionally meet in front of the former Notre Dame College at 825am to prepare for the parade.

For games, SEYSBA puts a portable bathroom on site but can only do so after Memorial Day when school closes.  There is no fixed seating at this school, so parents are encouraged to bring blankets or chairs. 

We only finalize and create teams once registration closes in late April and when we have the necessary number of volunteer managers for each team.  We usually need a managers and 2 assistants per team, along with a parent to sit on the bench.  SEYSBA is happy to provide help to new managers, including practice plans and support materials.  This year we are tentatively slated to hold a coaching clinic SUN 4/27.  Please don't be intimidated by the stigma of youth athletics, this is pretty easy to manage and a great way to spend time with your child.  Parents should be prepared to help the manager however possible.  We are always in need of parents to step up and coach.  

Occasionally I will be asked about moving a child up from tee-ball before they are old enough. The jump to Mighty Mites (coach pitch) is pronounced, and the better t-ball players still gain quite a bit from staying in tee-ball, playing the most active spots on defense and learning the joys of hitting well.  Remember that the 7-8 year olds can really hit and throw hard and most youngsters are not prepared for that.  Also, we will not hold a player too old down in tee-ball, as that is unsafe for the younger players.  Reach me for any questions or concerns, I'm glad to help.  We do not take players below the age date for insurance and safety reasons - no exceptions.